TitleImprovement of fatigue strength by shot peening for spring steel specimens containing an artificial surface defect
著者高橋 宏治1) 天野 利彦1) 宮本 貴正1) 安藤 柱1) 高橋 文雄2) 丹下 彰2) 岡田 秀樹2) 小野 芳樹2)
AuthorKoji TAKAHASHI1) Toshihiko AMANO1) Takamasa MIYAMOTO1) Kotoji ANDO1) Fumio TAKAHASHI2) Akira TANGE2) Hideki OKADA2) Yoshiki ONO2)
AbstractEffects of shot peening on the bending fatigue strength of spring steel specimens (SUP9A) containing an artificial small hole were investigated. Shot peening (SP) and stress shot peening (SSP) were carried out with the specimens containing an artificial drilled hole 0.2, 0.4 and 0.8 mm diameter. Then, bending fatigue tests were carried out with the specimens. The fatigue strengths of specimens containing an artificial small hole were increased by shot peening. Stress shot peening (SSP) was effective in improving fatigue strength. The specimens containing an artificial hole 0.2 mm diameter which received shot peening fractured elsewhere the hole, and they had considerably high fatigue strengths almost equal to those of the shot peened smooth specimens. It was found that the fatigue limit of specimens having an artificial hole of under 0.2mm diameter determined by the threshold condition for non-propagation of fatigue cracks emanated outside the drilled hole. From these results, it can be concluded that an artificial drilled hole under 0.2 mm diameter could be made acceptable by shot peening.
著者の所属1) 横浜国立大学 2) 日本発条株式会社
Belonging1) Yokohama National University 2) NHK Spring Co. Ltd.
Key Wordsfatigue strength, bending, shot peening, spring steel(SUP9A), residual stress, surface defect