号数 ばね論文集44号(1999年)
ページ数 pp.13-16
種類 論文
論文名 ばねの疲労特性に及ぼす温間ショットピーニングの効果
Title Effect of Warm Shot Peening on Fatigue Strength of Spring

著者 丹下 彰・ 小山 博・ 辻 博人
Author Akira TANGE・ Hiroshi KOYAMA・ Hiroto TSUJI
抄録 温間ショットピーニングは温間温度域でショットピーニングを行う方法として良く知られている。しかし,温間ショットピーニングの疲労強度への効果は明らかではなく,研究も少ない。自動車の軽量化のためにコイルばねには益々高い疲労強度と優れたへたり性が求められるようになってきている。そこで,近年いくつかの新しいばね鋼の開発が行われてきたが,このいわゆる高強度ばねは,いずれもばねの強度(硬さ)を高くするものである。高強度のばねにとっては,その高強度ゆえに増大する切り欠き感受性をショットピーニングプロセスによって軽減することが極めて重大になる。高強度ばねに対するショットピーニングでは,より硬いショットが必要となる。しかし,このことはショット寿命とショットピーニングマシンの寿命とを短くする。ばねの焼戻温度以下の温間ショットピーニングにおいては,ショットピーニング中のみばね硬さを一時的に低下させることが可能となり,これらの課題を解決する手段となる。本論文では,温間ショットピーニングの効果に関し以下のような実験結果が得られた。
Abstract Warm Shot Peening is well-known as the shot peening process within warm temperature range. however, the effect of warm shot peering to fatigue strength was not certain and no substantial study has been made.
The requirements of coil spring with higher fatigue strength and sag resistance have been increasing to obtain the mass saving of vehicle. While several new spring materials have been developed in recent years, the essence of those developments were to make the strength of spring higher, so-called high strengthed spring. As for high strengthened spring, the shot peening process becomes further essential to relieve the increased notch sensitivity due to higher strength, However, for the shot peening process to high strengthened spring, the shot with higher hardness is also required. This can decrease the life of both shot and shot peening equipments.
Warm shot peening under the tempering temperature may become one solution to those problems, because the hardness of spring can be temporarily reduced only during the shot peening process. In this paper, the following experimental results concerned with the effect of warm shot peening, are summarized.
1) The effect of warm shot peening on fatigue life is larger for high strengthened spring. It is especially more effective when the spring hardness is over the shot hardness.
2) The appropriate temperature of warm shot peening is from 473 to 598k.
3) The main reasons why the warm shot peening is effective to the improvement of fatigue life, are both the increase of compressive residual stress distribution and higher coverage, which can be caused by more effective deformation under warm temperature. The increase of surface hardness by warm shot peening could be an another reason for the improvement of fatigue life.
著者の所属 日本発条株式会社
Belonging NHK Spring Co., Ltd.
Key Words Warm shot peening, Fatigue strength, Spring, Higher hardness.