号数 ばね論文集30号(1985年)
ページ数 pp.11-19
種類 論文
論文名 超清浄ばね鋼の特性について
Title Some Properties of Ultra Clean Spring Steel
著者 斎藤 誠・伊藤 幸生
Author Makoto SAITO ・ Yukio ITO
抄録 乗用車用懸架ばねの高応力化指向、弁ばねのパワーアップ指向は、両者の要求レベルに差はあるとはいえ、いずれも耐久性の向上が共通した目標である。これを達成するには、素材であるばね鋼の超清浄鋼化が1つの有力な手段であると考えられる。
(1) 200kgf/mm2級高強度懸架ばね用材料として、酸素レベルを15ppm以下に下げたULO鋼が1つの有効な手段であるとの見通しを得た。
(2) 低酸素化(ULO)および低TiN化(UL・TiN)処理を適用したULO+UL・TiN鋼は、疲れ強さがVAR材なみになることを確認し、弁ばね用として十分対応できる見通しを得た。
Abstract There is a recent tendency to develop a motorcar's suspension coil spring that can be used under higher-stressed condition and to develop a valve spring having a higher-level of strength therefore creating better engine performance. Although there is a difference between the level of requirement for suspension coil spring and valve spring steel, improvement of fatigue property is a common destination. In order to achieve this purpose, making the raw material ultra clean may be one of the effective methods.
To get ultra clean steel, the degassing method which satisfies low cost and mass production is applied. And ultra clean steel is examined and tested for the properties needed in suspension coil spring and valve spring steel. The following results are obtained.
(l) Producing Ultra Low Oxygen steel (ULO steel) which oxygen content is less than 15 ppm is one of the effective way to realize a suspension coil spring satisfying 200kgf/mm2 high stress level.
(2) ULO + UL ・ TiN steel produced by ultra low oxygen and ultra low TiN process possesses almost the same endurance limit as the Vacuum Arc-furnace Remelted steel. Therefore, this steel is used for the raw material as a valve spring satisfactorily.
著者の所属 大同特殊鋼(株)中央研究所
Key Words