号数 ばね論文集 63 号( 2018 年)
ページ数 pp.71-89
種類 共同研究
論文名 小型圧縮コイルばねの温間へたりに関する共同研究報告
Title Report on High-Temperature Spring Set of Compact Compression Coil Springs
著者 圧縮コイルばねの温間へたりに関する研究委員会 
Author Research Committee on High-Temperature Spring Set of Compression Coil Springs 
抄録  小型コイルばねを設計・製作する時に,“温間へたり量(残留せん断ひずみ:γ値)”を予測できるような技術情報(解説)を作成することを目指し活動した.文献ワーキンググループ(WG)と試験WGに分かれ,文献WGはばね論文集はじめ広範囲に温間へたりに関連する文献情報を収集し整理した.試験WGは3鋼種(SWP-A,SWOSC-V,SUS304-WPB)の小型圧縮コイルばね(線径φ1.0,4.0mm)を供試ばねとして,ショットピーニング及びセッチングの有無も含めて,試験温度を100〜450 ℃,時間を24〜312hとして負荷応力を変化させた温間での締付試験を実施してへたり測定を行った.得られた温間へたりに関する諸データは,ばらつきが少なく,締付試験での負荷応力,温度,時間の影響についても妥当な傾向が得られ,過去の論文などの諸データと概ね一致することが確認でき,有用なデータベースを提供出来ると考える.ただ,今回の活動の中では,得られたデータを元にした実用性の高い計算式への見直しには至れず,今後,温度域(低温:200℃近傍,高温:350℃近傍)によって異なると推察される温間へたりのメカニズムの検証と実用性の高い計算式の再検討が必要である. 
Abstract This committee aimed to provaide technical information (commentary) that can predict high-temperature spring set  (residual shearing strain“ γ value”) when designing and manufacturing compact coil springs for engine valve. The committee was divided into“ Literature WG (Working Group)” and“ Test WG”, and Literature WG gathered and organized technical literatures related to“ γ value” at higher temperature. Test WG used test springs of which the wire diameter φ 1.0, 4.0 mm of 3 steel types (SWP - A, SWOSC - V,SUS 304 - WPB), including the with processing or without processing(non) of shot peening and setting. Test temperature was set from 100 to 450 ℃, clamping time was set from 24 to 312 h, and the hightemperature spring set (calculated to“ γ value”) was measured after clamping test at higher temperature. Various data o“f γ value” obtained with less variance, and the influence of loaded stress, temperature and time on“ γ value” with reasonable tendency for each test element. We confirmed that the obtained data
generally agreed with various data in past technical literatures. So, we think that the obtained data will be able to provide useful database. However, in this activity, we cannot reconsider using the obtained data about highly practical calculation formula to express the difference at the temperature range (low temperature: around 200 ℃, high temperature: around 350 ℃). In the future, it is necessary to verify the high-temperature spring set mechanism at higher temperature and re-examination of highly practical calculation formulas. 
Key Words High-temperature spring set Residual shearing strain “value” Compact coil spring Valve spring Clamping test