号数 ばね論文集37号(1991年)
ページ数 pp.31-38
種類 論文
論文名 平面曲がりばりアイソパラメトリック要素−非接触渦巻ばねへの応用−
Title An Isoparametric Plane-Element for Curved Beam -Application to Spiral Springs-
著者 下関 正義・藤沼 平一
Author Masayoshi SHIMOSEKI and Heiichi FUJINUMA
抄録  機械要素の中にあって、ばねほど弾性変形量の大きいものはない。弾性変形が大きい場合には、幾何学的非線形性が問題になる。そして、幾何学的非線形を論ずるには、変形形状の正確な表現が必須である。このような観点からすると、ばねを有限要素解析する際は、高次要素を使用するのが妥当であり、筆者らが空間曲がりばりの高次アイソパラメトリック要素を開発したのも1)、こうした考えに基づく。
Abstract  Among various kinds of mechanical parts, there is no other element that is characterized by a large elastic deformation as spring. With parts featuring such large elastic deformation, the treatment of its geometrical nonlinearity stands out as a most vital matter, for which it will be important to express the deformed shape precisely.
 In this context, when analyzing springs by the finite element method (FEM), the use of a high-order isoparametric element appears appropriate, so we developed such an element for curved and twisted beams. 
 But there are many kinds of springs which can be treated as two dimensional problem. Naturally, it would be irrational to solve two dimensional problems in three dimensions. 
 This report deals with a high-order isoparametric element, limiting our discussion to the bending o beams having only plane curvature. The fundamental thought is based on the theory described in Ref. 1)in which the curvature and the cross-sectional size are variable in one element, so this method may be applicable to long tapered beams.
 As an example, we apply the element to spiral springs, and introduce an up-dated Lagrange method to solve geometrically non-linear problems.
著者の所属 三菱製鋼(株)
Belonging Mitsubishi Steel Mfg.
Key Words