号数 ばね論文集36号(1991年)
ページ数 pp.36-46
種類 論文
論文名 異形断面線のコイリングにともなう断面変形
Title Distortion of Wire Cross Section by Coiling (In Case of Elliptic and Fuchs' Oval Sections)
著者 能登 悟郎・中沢 慎太郎・久納 孝彦・対馬 一憲
Author Goro NOTO・Shintaro NAKAZAWA・Takahiko KUNOH・ Kazunori TSUSHIMA
抄録 コイルばねの高応力化にともない、楕円、卵形などの異形断面線を用いたコイルばねの実用化が、自動車エンジン用バルブスプリングを中心に進んでいる。この異形断面線を用いたコイルばねでは、素線表面上のせん断応力分布を支配する素線の正確な断面形状を明らかにすることが特に重要である。
Abstract Coil springs of non circular wire cross section, such as oval and modified oval sections, have been applied to the automotive-engine valve springs recently. In such types of springs, it is particularly important to know the sectional distortion to estimate the effect on the shearing stress distribution. 
 In this paper, the plastic distortion of wires having elliptic and Fucks' oval cross sections by coiling are studied theoretically and experimentally. The main results are as follows: 
 (1)The formulas to estimate the plastic distortion of wire cross sections by coiling are derived for elliptic and for Fucks' oval sections.
 (2)The effect of the cutting error on the profile of the cross sections is analyzed approximately. 
 (3)The experimental results show that the distortion for the ellipse is more remarkable then for the circle for the same spring indices. 
 (4)The experimental distortion of the cross sections is larger than the theoretical one in the compressive side.
著者の所属 慶應義塾大学理工学部
Belonging Faculty of Science and Technology Keio University
Key Words