号数 ばね論文集31号(1986年)
ページ数 pp.54-61
種類 論文
論文名 高応力コイルばねの応力と疲れ特性
Title Stress and Fatigue Characteristics of High Stress Coil Spring
著者 平野 武1)・猿樂 幸雄1)・西川 昭彦1)・浜野 俊雄2)
Author Takashi HIRANO1)・Sachio SARUGAKU1)・Akihiko NISHIKAWA1)・Toshio HAMANO2)
抄録 最近、円筒コイルばねは高応力化に伴ってコイルの外径側を起点として折損したり、疲れ寿命が従来仕様のばねに比べ短いなどの現象が現れている。これは、高応力仕様のばねでは従来仕様のばねに比ベピッチ角も大きく、ワールの式での対応が困難になってきたことを意味している。
Abstract Nowadays, phenomena concerning cylindrical springs designed to be under high stress are such that failure of cy1indrical springs starts from the outside of the cylinder coil and the fatigue life of such springs is shorter than that of traditionally designed springs. The springs designed to be under high stress have larger pitch angles than those of traditional springs. The above phenomena show that Wahl's equation can not calculate proper design conditions of such modern springs.
This paper describes an analysis of cylindrical springs by taking account of pitch angles which can so far be ignored in traditional spring design and shows the clear relationship between specifications of a spring and its stress. This paper also demonstrates that the maximum principal stress of the coil outside is greater than that of the coil inside as spring stress is higher and that the fatigue life of springs designed under high stress may be inferred from fatigue test results of traditionally designed springs by assessment of S-N curves in terms of the maximum principal stress.
著者の所属 1)日本発条株式会社 2)株式会社日発グループ中央研究所
Belonging 1)NHK Spring Co., Ltd. 2)NHK Spring R & D Center Inc.
Key Words