号数 ばね論文集 57 号( 2012 年)
ページ数 pp.59-79
種類 共同研究
論文名 ばね及びばね鋼のX線残留応力測定法
Title Method for X-ray Residual Stress Analysis in Springs and Spring Steel
著者 X線によるばねの残留応力評価法研究委員会 
Author Research Committee for Evaluation in Residual Stress of Spring by X-ray Diffraction 
抄録 X線応力測定法は残留応力測定に広く適用されている技術である.しかし現在,ばねの残留応力測定に限定した適切なX線応力測定方法はない.それ故,日本ばね学会ではばねのX線応力測定法に関する研究委員会を2008年に設立した.委員会では,まずばね関連業界におけるX線応力測定の実態をアンケート調査した.委員会ではこの調査結果から,次の4つの課題を研究した.A)ショットピーニングされた平板の残留応力測定方法,B)ショットピーニングされた丸棒の残留応力測定方法,c)回析角2θ- sin2 Ψ線図の評価法,d) フェライト系ばね鋼のX線応力定数.
(2)コイルばねのように測定表面が曲面の場合,測定誤差が10%以下の残留応力値を得るには,コリメータ径をワイヤ径の20%以下にする必要がある.ファインショットピーニングを施した丸棒には,2θ- sin2 Ψ線図は非直線となり,また回析強度- sin2 Ψ線図にはうねりが現れることが分かった.
(3)2つの統計的なアプローチと3軸応力状態を仮定したシミュレーションによる sin2 Ψ線図の評価法について検討した. sin2 Ψ線図の評価に曲がり度CB,うねり度Cwという新たなパラメーターを提案した. sin2 Ψ線図のうねり度の評価を行うためにはX線入射角は少なくとも7点以上設定する必要がある.また,回析角2θ- sin2 Ψ線図のシミュレーションを用いると,CBとCwを用いた評価法の有効性を確認できる.
(4)フェライト系ばね鋼SUP9A,SUP12のX線応力定数を評価するためにラウンドロビンテストを行った.結果として2つのファライト系鋼平均X線応力測定はK= -338±13.1 MPa/degであることを明らかにした. 
Abstract X-ray stress measurement is a technique which has been widely applied to residual stress. However, a satisfactory method for measuring residual stress in springs has not been appropriately developed yet. Thus, a research committee in Japan Society of Spring Engineers was established to research the X-ray based stress
measurement of springs in 2008. The first item accomplished by the committee was an exploratory investigation to understand the measuring conditions of X-ray stress measurement being used in spring industries. By referring to these results obtained, four subjects were investigated as follows: a) development of
a method of residual stress measurement in shot-peened plate, b) development of a method of residual stress measurement in shot-peened round-bar, c) evaluation method for 2θ-sin2 Ψ diagrams, d) characterization of an X-ray stress constant in ferrous spring steels. The following results were obtained:
(1) The errors for 68.3% confidence limits in the residual stress of the shot-peened plate specimen, which were observed by X-ray stress measurement under routine measurement conditions in participating companies, were within 6% of the average residual stress values obtained. Therefore, X-ray stress measurement conditions based on a 68.3% confidence limit were proposed.
(2) In a sample with a curved surface, such as a coil spring, the diameter of an X-ray collimator should be less than 20% of the diameter of the spring wire so that the error of the residual stress can be less than 10%. It turned out that the nonlinearity of the 2θ-sin2Ψ diagrams and wave-like fluctuation in diffraction intensity-sin2Ψ diagrams were observed in the surface of fine-shot-peened round-bars.
(3) An evaluation method for 2θ-sin2Ψ diagrams showing the pattern of bowing or waving using two statistical approaches and simulations in tri-axial stress states has been investigated. Two parameters CB and Cw representing degrees of the bowing and waving in 2θ-sin2Ψ diagrams have been suggested. At least seven
diffraction angles in the 2θ-sin2Ψ diagram are necessary to evaluate waving. A simulation of the 2θ-sin2Ψ diagram enables us to confirm effectiveness of the evaluation technique with CB and Cw.
(4) A round robin test (RRT) for characterization of an X-ray stress constant in ferrous spring steels such as SUP9A and SUP12 was carried out. As a result, it appears that the average X-ray stress constant K in the two spring steels was -338±13.1 MPa/deg. 
Key Words X-ray stress measurement, Residual stress, Shot peening, X-ray stress constant, 2θ|sin2 diagram, Ferrous spring steel